Living in Interesting Times
Life seems to be
getting more interesting
by the day, which
can feel like a bit of
a mixed blessing.
It recalls the classic
curse, “may you live
in interesting times.”
Personally, we like things
to be interesting, but
not at the expense
of other people’s well-being.
You might think that we,
as a world, would have
found a decent way
to get along by this point,
but there is still so much
work to do in this department,
and hardly enough volunteers.
And yet, deep down,
we must trust that
the goodness
of humanity will win out
over the other part,
because any world
can be possible
if we dream hard enough.
Here is to putting in the effort
in all the different ways,
to make our world a world
that works for everyone.
With love,
your crew at StoryPeople